Colleges & Universities

Gordon College

Gordon College, located north of Boston in Wenham, Massachusetts, offers graduate degrees, licensure-only, and professional development opportunities in education to meet the needs of teachers and career changers. Gordon’s Graduate Education Program is known for its convenience, affordability, close personal attention and academic excellence. Anthony Pedriana, author of Leaving Johnny Behind: Overcoming Barriers to Literacy and Reclaiming At-Risk Readers, describes Gordon’s reading program as “a jewel that should be replicated throughout the country.” For more information, email or visit their website and click on Online Reading Courses.

Westfield State University

Westfield State University, located in the western part of the state in Westfield, Massachusetts, offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, licensure, and professional development opportunities in education. CENTER, Center for Teacher Education and Research, established in 2004, works to further develop the connections between Westfield State University and its PreK-16 partners. Their mission is to provide professional development and educational resources to teachers, superintendents, and school administrators. For more information visit their website.

MidAmerica Nazarene University

MidAmerica Nazarene University, located in Olatha, Kansas, offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, licensure, and professional development opportunities in education. Helping teachers stay current in an ever-changing education landscape is the goal of continuing education at MNU. Whether you need classes for relicensure, or coursework to learn new techniques, our experts are here to enrich your learning as you adapt to new standards and gain new skills. For more information visit their website.

HILL for Literacy

The HILL develops and deploys sustainable programs. We start at the top and build leadership teams, recommend curricula, train teachers and reading personnel, introduce evaluation methodologies, and provide support throughout the process to ensure success. We are dedicated to bringing our clients the best and latest in evidence-based literacy practices. As part of our commitment to research, we partner with the some of the premier education research centers in the country including the University of Oregon’s Center on Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the University of Connecticut’s Center for Behavioral Education and Research (CBER) . For more information visit their website.

EduTech Leaders

Educational Technology Leaders (EduTech Leaders) is a small company focusing on the technology needs of educational institutions. EdTech Leaders Online is a capacity-building online program that enables educational organizations to provide effective online learning programs for teachers, administrators and students.