Online Professional Development For Educators
Self-paced and Facilitated Courses: Reading, Writing, and More

We provide convenient, 24/7 access to job-embedded courses. Our goal is to create learning opportunities that meet the needs of every teacher, school, and district.
Continuing Education can be difficult to fit into your schedule. We developed rigorous online courses with built in flexibility.
Register to earn graduate credit through our partner institutes for our facilitated and self-paced courses.


CLOI provides online professional development courses for teachers that implement their state specific standards coupled with technology tools, research-based assessments, and best teaching practices. CLOI’s professional learning opportunities offer teachers, schools, and districts convenient, job-embedded access to self-paced and facilitated courses.

CLOI’s Journey
In 1986, the Stratford Foundation Inc. was formed with the goal of becoming a valuable educational resource for the community. This ambition was realized in 1988 when Stratford opened the Commonwealth Learning Center, in Needham MA, and began providing 1-to-1 academic support to individuals of all ages.
In 1992, Stratford established the Professional Training Institute, which offers research-based, in-person professional development programs designed to help teachers and specialists meet the needs of students who require systematic and multisensory learning approaches.
But as we entered the 21st century, our world became interconnected like never before. Stratford realized the importance of moving beyond their backyard to reach educators across the country that struggle to engage in rigorous professional development under demanding schedules. And thus, in 2010, CLOI, the Commonwealth Learning Online Institute, was formed.
The industry learning curve was steep. Presentation of online content required tools and knowledge unlike teaching in a brick and mortar style. CLOI’s course development began by teaming with an educational organization already vetted in the industry. This organization partnered with us to create our first six core reading facilitated courses.
Once these initial courses were developed, the search began for university partners to offer graduate credit for our clients. Gordon College came on board, and in 2012 our first six courses went public.
After nearly a decade, our commitment to being a valuable professional development resource for the community is stronger than ever, and we work towards this everyday by providing exceptional learning for educators across the country. Read some testimonials.
Are You Ready to Advance Your Professional Development?